Left: "Bella Coola Region 1883."
This map was published in W. F. Tolmie, and G. M. Dawson, "Comparative Vocabularies of the Indian Tribes of British Columbia" (1884).
This early map of the Nuxalk Nation Territory includes villages of the Dean and Kimsquit Rivers at the head of Dean Channel, on the Bella Coola River at the head of North Bentinck Arm, on South Bentinck Arm at Talleomey, and at Kwatna Bay off Burke Channel. It also includes King Island and the fjord where Ocean Falls is located.
Nuxalk Territory lies approximately between 52-53' North latitude, and 126-127O50'
West longitude.
The Nuxalk People have as neighbours to the North, West and South various branches of the Kwakwaka'wakw speaking Peoples and to their East, the Athapaskan speaking
Carrier and Chilcotin Peoples.
Ethnologist Franz Boas recorded 29 Nuxalk villages in his work published in 1898. T. F. MacIlwraith, who worked with the Nuxalk People in the 1920's, recorded 45 Nuxalk villages. |