Hot Springs at Ix7piixm (Talyu)

Nuxalkmc youth rest at the Hot Springs at Ix7piixm after a long canoe journey from Bella Coola
to the Snuxyaltwa Totem Pole raising at Talyu, 18 and 19 August 2009.

The Hot Springs at Ix7piixm are located to the west of Bensins Island on South Bentinck Arm.

Above: Nuxalkmc youth arriving at the Ix7piixm hot springs after paddling by canoe for an entire day from Bella Coola. They camped over night and relaxed at the ancient Nuxalk site of healing waters before continuing to the totem pole raising at Talyu. The cabin at the hot springs was built in the 1990s as part of the Nuxalk reoccupation of our traditional land.


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